"One-Eye" Valhalla Rising : Hollywood Makin Berani Dedahkan Biografi Dajjal

"The boy said he was from hell...His name is one-eye...heading to Jerusalem to reconquer the Holy Land..."

Barangsiapa mengkaji dengan teliti dan ceramat kesemua hadis-hadis sahih Nabi Muhammad S.A.W mengenai biografi Dajjal, khususnya hadis Tamim Ad-Dari (hadis Dajjal ditambat di sebuah pulau Misteri) dan hadis mengenai Ibnu Shayyad, nescaya akan mendapati kronologi filem "Valhalla Rising" ini hampir 90 % membiografikan sejarah Dajjal yang wujud sejak zaman berzaman di sebalik peradaban misteri dan ajaib, menghala ke Jerusalem untuk memerintah dunia dengan kefasadan dari sana.

Kredit pada Tuan Khalid Yahya atas pendedahan ini. Hollywood kian melampau batas dan semakin berani dan terang-terangan menyerlahkan identiti sebenar Dajjal selepas selama ini ia banyak bersembunyi di sebalik kesamaran watak mahupun simbol. Mereka (secret socities) sudah sangat yakin pada saat kedatangan raja yang mereka nantikan selama ini untuk kononnya menganugerahkan pemerintahan dunia yang selama ini mereka nantiharapkan.

Sebagaimana saya jangkakan sejak terlancarkan filem 2012, Hollywood mula masuk gear persiapan menyambut Dajjal si buta mata sebelah itu dengan makin ghairah dan makin deras.

Sinopsis "Valhalla Rising" ini adalah :

For years, One-Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner - forced to fight for his life and the amusement of his pagan slavers. Aided by a boy, he finds his moment, furiously kills his captors and together they escape, beginning an odyssey through an unknown land. After falling in with a band of Vikings, One-Eye and his young companion find they must confront terrible fate in the quest for their freedom. (Source)

A mute Scandinavian savage known only as "One Eye" escapes his captors and begins the long journey home, only to find himself lost in an unknown land. (Source)

A man with a remarkable talent for violence must fight to survive when he sets out on an extraordinary journey in this fantasy from director Nicolas Winding Refn. One Eye (Mads Mikkelsen) is the nickname given to a nameless, mute warrior who has become a slave to Barde (Alexander Morton), a wealthy Scotsman who obtained One Eye for his remarkable fighting skills. One Eye is a fierce warrior but shows little loyalty to his master, and when the opportunity presents itself, One Eye murders Barde and his mercenaries and sets off on his own, with a young boy (Maarten Stevenson) tagging along to speak on his behalf. Eager to leave Denmark behind in favor of freedom and adventure, One Eye throws in his lot with a band of Christian Vikings, who've set out on an ambitious quest to travel to Jerusalem and claim the Holy Land as their own. But the voyage to the Holy City is a difficult one, and the Vikings are met with violent resistance, forcing One Eye to rely on his talents as a warrior to protect himself and his young apprentice.

“Mereka membuat perancangan rapi, Allah juga sedang membuat perancangan rapi memusnahkan perancangan mereka, walaupun (kamu lihat) perancangan mereka mampu memusnahkan gunung ganang.” - Ibrahim : 4.





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